Arbitration Policies
For inlane purchases the arbitration period ends 2 hours after purchase or 1 hour after last car crosses the block, which ever is sooner.
For both in lane and online purchases, this includes "IF" sales.
For both in lane and online purchases, PSI and Courtesy Drives must be purchased Tuesday night within 2 hours after purchase or 1
hour after last car crosses the block, which ever is sooner. This restriction also includes "IF" sales.
All PSI's and courtesy drives must be requested on Thursday.
Online and In Lane buyers must agree to terms and conditions of GTAA. We adhere to NAAA rules with the exception of the following. We DO NOT arbitrate frames on vehicles announced salvage or re-built. These are assumed to have or had frame damage and airbags deployed.
Any Title Announcements will not be Eligible for a Post Sale Inspection. Examples include Rebuilt/Salvage, Flood, True Miles Unknown, Etc.
For specific rules and regulations from NAAA please visit the following link NAAA Arbitration Policy.