Sale Light System (Not for GSA)
Vehicles must bring $3000 on the block to get a ride and drive. Any vehicle sold for less than $3000 is sold AS-IS regardless of light. GTAA does not arbitrate frame damage on vehicles 10 years or older regardless of light. All single repairs under $800 are not arbitratable. Vehicles announced "previous salvage or reconditioned" have no guarantee related to frame, flood, fire, airbag, etc.
"Ride and Drive"
The green light signals that this vehicle is guaranteed under the conditions outlined in this policy by the seller. Any defects or issues requiring disclousure per this policy should be announced using the green and yellow lights. GTAA does not arbitrate frame damage on vehicles 10 years or older regardless of light or vehicles sold Red Light or no frame guarantee.
"Limited Guarantee"
This light is an indication to the Buyer that the Auctioneer or selling representative has made announcements that qualify/clarify the conditions or equipment and limit arbitration of this vehicle in conjunction with the green light or when "limited guarantee" is announced. GTAA does not arbitrate frame damage on vehicles 10 years or older regardless of light or vehicles sold Red Light or no frame guarantee.
Vehicles selling under the red light will only qualify for arbitration under the rules outlined in the NAAA policy. No Frame Guarantee. (AS IS dollar amount, model, years, and mileage is subject by local auction policies)